Wednesday, 11 April 2012


The former Malawi president strongly believes that Her Excellency Joyce Banda will make Malawi better.

He said this in an interview conducted on Radio Islam.He said he strongly believes within a short period the problems facing the country will be gotten rid of and be a thing of the past.

With a number of foreign donor countries promising to start working together with the new Malawi administration,there is a lot of hope by the people that things will get better.But what the president should remember is that the donor community comes with terms and conditions to their aid.These are some of the factors that contributed to a fallout between the late President and various donor countries like Britain and America.If these conditions are not adhered to then there will be more fallouts or even no aid at all.

As much as i supported some of Bingu's Wa Mutharika's policies like Zero Deficit Budget,which was good in sense that Malawi as a country has too much over reliance on aid,some of the policies were to tough and brought at a wrong time into practice.The late president was arrogant at times but third world countries need to be treated with respect.

Joyce Banda and her government can do well yes but they should not allow to be tossed around by the western donor governments.There are a number of issue the country needs to sort out like,the persistent power cuts,forex  and fuel shortages,higher bank charges and corruption.

If her excellency Joyce Banda surrounds herself and get people into her government who have a history of corruption and bad leadership,people will start crying foul and judging her type of leadership.The problem with  our politicians is that they are all recycled politicians.They go where the glass is greener.They have rolled on from Malawi Congress Party to United Democratic Front,then joined DPP today they are in another color joining Banda's Peoples Party.


We are just a few days in the new administration but people have already started quitting the former ruling party, DPP and  joining the current presidents party.A party they did not join before she got into higher office.Who would be interested in people like them.They are there for a reason.They will definately be entertained as she wants to increase the numbers but she should be careful with who she brings on board in her government.

She has set a good example by bringing in Benson Tembo at Malawi Broadcasting Corporation.People just hope that he will be let free to do his job withot any interference from the political top brass.

She can really do a good job if she has the right people in place and not selfish and corrupt poliicians and good economic policies.


Following the recent death of the President of Malawi,Prof Bingu Wa Mutharika and Prophet TB Joshua taking all the credits and praise for the prophecy,a number of people are raising a lot of questions on weather the death of the 78yr old president was timely as to Prophet Joshua's prophecy or was it just luck.?

There are reports from well placed sources and rumours going round that the late president was a sickly man.[dead man walking as said by the recently sacked head of Malawi Broadcasting Corporation.Prophet TD Joshua even had to show a letter on his Emmanuel TV purpotedly signed by the late president himself.The contents??The prophet knows himself because it was a personal letter.So if it was personal from the president to him,why did he think it wise that he should show it on his TV station and yet not disclosing its contents..?The man who is said to have written the letter has no chance to accept and deny it.

The big ask is should people believe what he said about an old President will die and that he got his prophecy right?Was he only lucky or some juju involved.?Did he have very good information from Doctors who advised the late Bingu Wa Mutharika tha he has got long to live due to his non disclosed illness?Is he a prophet of goodness or a prophet of doom?

There are so many answers and questions?Find the answers yourself..

Monday, 9 April 2012


Following her recent elevation from post of Vice President to full president of Malawi after the death of former President Bingu Wa Mutharika,Joyce Banda faces a tough time ahead to solve a lot of issues in this South AFrican country.

Joyce Banda has made history in being the first woman in South East Africa to lead a country that has been in serious economic problems after enjoying a good economic growth and being on a list of countries with the fastest economic growth in Africa.Apart from economic issues,there is shortage of investment,constant power cuts,food shortages,fuel shortages that are contributed by lack of foreign exchange.There is also an issue of tribalism which has come out worse in the previous government by having a group about Lomwe's(a tribe the deceased president belonged to) and human rights abuses.

There are questions to be answered and lots of Malawians are anxious to see what the next president will do.People will definitely give her time to sort the mess out but sooner,people will start pointing accusing fingers if she doesn't play her cards right.

Malawians are ppatient people but a lot hope Joyce Banda has learnt from the late presidents mistakes and will not repeat them.This will also be seen in how she will select her cabinet.Then problem with most of the politicians are all recycled.They have been in the old MCp,then UDF,moved on to DPP but had to quit and joing Joyce Banda's party after getting disgruntled by some issues in the former ruling party.So the question is,will people trust these same people to ran the government or they would be interested in seeing new fresh faces..?

The nation is yet to see and start judging..


Following rumours going round that the Malawi President BIngu Wa Mutharika had collapsed with a heart attack.There were jubilations in some areas ,people posting messages on social networking websites such as Facebook and twitter saying they cared less if the president dies.

This is so strange for a Malawian person to say,because the nation is full of God fearing people who respects someone's death and great the dead with dignity.For people to say they cared less means a lot apart from the ones who benefited from the DPP regime did not like the DPP led government due to its poor economic policies,stubbornness by the leader himself and other human rights abuses.

Then news came round that he is dead,people were so overjoyed.Some even saying their prayers have been answered.The nation could not just wait for the next elections in 2014.Some are even saying his body should not be returned back to Malawi.

What's next for this peace loving country?